Re: Darkness Ahead
From my press-release of February 1:
“Due to obvious unconcern of Klaus Schwab, WEF to my story (see my unanswered letter to him here), the debts of Barclays bank to me turned into Bill to all WEF participants. Now that bill turns into creation of the special book and/or global project under the code name "Anti-Reset", for reviewing the original book/concept of Mr Schwab "Great Reset", and promoting fundamentally different alternative(s), if any. I cannot guarantee Mr Schwab or Davos Forum participants will be happy about the result.
The book can include my own solutions to current world's problems, including a really original way for eliminating UNEMPLOYMENT! I have no doubt people will forget that word in its current sense after it. The only problem is bankers can be strongly against my concept(s)! At the time of not doing what Klaus Schwab is saying (implementation of a real "Public-Private Cooperation")” .
Dear Mr Schwab and ALL participants of WEF,
Today you still are able to pay me for my "job" of NOT DOING a certain job. In particular, for NOT WRITING and publishing my future "Anti-Reset" book!!! If you and (people around you) are real businessmen.
Although this idea may sound crazy for capitalism that started from paying real money for real products only, today that capitalism has ended. And its current extreme version that turned basic ethical and economic principles upside down is going to die in the nearest future, - being killed by you, the top financial elite! Old rules and principles of classic economics have became practically unapplicable, losing competition (in terms of profit) to new concepts of financial bubbles and fraud.
In the current economic environment optimized for getting more for less (with ultimate goal of getting Everything for Nothing), my proposal to buy the product that does NOT EXIST (for this moment), or to pay for a job of NOT DOING some job, is quite appropriate.
And today this product is ON SALE!
And if you think that the current price I proposed first to you and then to participants of the WEF several days ago sounds too high, - which is ridiculous considering that that is a PRICE OF LIFE we speak here about, - think again. Since tomorrow the price is to be gradually increased, and ultimately you will pay for that much more. Up to impossible within classic economics INFINITY!
Photo of 2019
Unless I see a clear evidence of paying off Barclays' debts to me promptly, - starting from the first $5,000 transfer through Western Union I mentioned early, - the First Chapter of my future book "Anti-Reset" to be published in media and all sites of my info-partners, a copy of which can appear at THIS blog, SINCE TOMORROW!
Apparently, Mr Schwab does not feel himself responsible for unpaid debts of his strategic partner. Neither do participants of the WEF (although paying to me just a fraction of the one percent of the fee he obtained from the Barclays recently, - not counting much bigger sums from other partners, presumably the richest world businesses, - would be sufficient to save my LIFE from the danger of DYING OF HUNGER AND COLD! (Last night it was MINUS -14'C on the street! I am alive due to help of other people (poor ones), NOT Schwab or WEF participants!
I can tell you a little "secret": Under the current laws the elites created for themselves, NOBODY is able to feel any responsibility for that debt, including Barclays CEOs (starting from the very first President of Barclays non-performance of his direct job obligations of whom in 2012 triggered creation of the currently Infinite Debt). However, the Barclays' debt to me IS REALITY! Something is wrong with the laws that do not reflect that fact! Moreover, my attempt to obey these laws has set for me the choice of either to die or break the law! For me, the person who did not break any law in his life, the way of returning my debts through making a research into all aspects of my case and publishing a book about related details is practically the only choice for doing a legitimate type of work. Demanding his or her debts is quite legitimate right for everyone!
That is a RESET in action!
The attempt of Barclays CEOs to reset their debts to me to zero!
And such "reset" REALLY KILLS me during last three years.
If Mr Schwab doesn't care about that killing,
the further applying your Reset to me can
result in creating a really
So, both Klaus Schwab and participants of the World Economic Forum appeared reluctant to help me remaining alive after resetting to zero all my life savings by Barlays bank.
Mr Schwab, is it a sign of your proposal to me to stop demanding from you the money your strategic partner has STOLEN from me and SHARED WITH YOU (at least in the form of paying overpriced tickets for entry to the Davos community)?
By not paying even the smallest fraction of your wealth, you and your partners are actually proposing me to pay the debt of your Barclays bank on my own (a) INSTEAD OF YOU, and (b) BY MY HEALTH AND ... LIFE?!!
The factors your assumptions about my case miss are:
Unlike other “chains of cause and effect”, my Chain Of Debt is a rare, unprecedented exception because (1) it is CLEARLY VISIBLE from the very first link, and (2) it is Global due to the INFINITE sum of the debt, which changes everything!
As businessmen, both you and your business partners failed to deactivate your Chain Of Debt simply through paying the lowest possible price at the level of the very first link. Despite that minimal payment is actually a super opportunity for top elites to stop the "Impossible Chain of Infinite Debt" the Barclays CEOs created for the world, but ultimately turned against top elites and themselves.
You did not invite me to your Forum where I could explain my opinion about your concepts. Despite that I am de-facto the biggest ever creditor not just for the Barclays bank, but also for all your business partners, - the top financial elites of the world!
The list of my potential opportunities includes becoming the biggest ever sponsor for CHARITY donations (and I was trying to become the One last Christmas, however, faced with purely technical difficulties due to starting it from the ABSOLUTELY ZERO GROUND at which your Barclays bank placed me to), as well as saving the world from a danger of the “Financial Genocide” (the term I coined to the United Nations due to Next (Last) Financial Crisis) I proposed to the President Of United States!
By not caring about helping me at extremely critical for my life moment, both you and the WEF' participants are partually confirming that the main idea behind your "Great Reset" consists of correcting the Global Reset Of Debt in favor of top elites. If you avoid paying a single penny to me now, chances are the same pattern of behaviour will be applied to millions/billions people later.
In this light, the essense of the proposed Stakeholders Capitalism is nothing more than just an attempt to share debts of top elites with the rest of the world's population! The Barclays bankers already demonstrated to me a similar approach by the fraudulent sharing with me their RISKS that may not be applied to "risk-safe" customers' deposits by definition (see details in my Open Letter to Swiss Bankers). Now they are going to apply it in the global scale through calling it by advanced names?
Face it: Today we see the Final End Of Capitalism.
Because the growth of global demand has ended.
My future book will refer to all related calculations.
Anyway, the more precise name for your "Great Reset" should sound like the "Great Reset (Nullification) of Elite's Debts".
Sergiy Beloy,
MSc. in Information Management
(degree with Distinction from the University of East London, UK)
As for bankers and related businessmen, well, they should "thank" Barclays' CEOs for forcing me to develop these technologies INSTEAD of my IT projects I was craving those CEOs to allow me continue, - just by letting my to use my own money I located at savings accounts of their bank ABSOLUTELY LEGITIMATE!
Up to now the Barclays CEOs simply keep silence about my case. Officially! (They notified me in written on their reluctance to ever speak with me, the person to whom they are in debt, about returning my money, - absolutely unprecedented fact for banking industry). Despite their derivative debts because of that silence have gone through the roof, and de-facto became INFINITY!
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