To BANKS of Davos 21

To: ALL BANKS participants of Davos WEF 2021

Re.: Anti-Reset

This is a direct followup of my Open Letter To Swiss BankersIn the light of my appeal to ALL participants of Davos WEF Forum and to its Chairman and Founder Klaus Schwab personally.


Look, most banking percentage rates for customers have dropped almost to zero (or even less than zero). It's difficult to speak about attractiveness of banking deposits for most people already. Are you sure such policy is not designed for KILLING BANKS?

What are you going to do when people stop making deposits into banks completely? Count for the mercy of central banks that are able to create money out of air unlimitedly? Well, that has always been the way banks obtained most of their resources (with a decent multiplicator of the money they created during issuing loans/debts to public , - actually out of the air too, - due to existence of the fraudulent Fractional Reserve), but are you sure the financial elites behind central banks will continue this practice?

The trend is moving to creation of some New World Bank (NWB) in which everybody will have an account. Chances are that most banks, - and bankers!, - will become USELESS! Sorry!

It might be your retail niche of actual servicing customers will partly remain, as it's difficult to implement it through just one Central bank (NWB). It also might be a retail niche of issuing loans/debts to the public will be shared with you by the NWB (also you will not be able to compete with it, see for example "The Bank of England has given the government an UNLIMITED overdraft – the most explicit form of money printing we’ve seen so far" [after my Infinite BMoney of course]). But it definitely will be less profitable for most banks! Depending on the actual scale of diminishing their current functionality (moved to the NWB), the profits can be dropped almost to ZERO! And that means DEATH! DEATH OF BANKS!

Not comparable to my PHYSICAL DEATH OF HUNGER your collegues in Barclays bank are trying to implement RIGHT NOW! Under your silent approval! But who knows ...

So, bankers today are preparing a suicidal END OF BANKS!

Great Reset? Another name for Death?

When rich billionairs loose several $millions, they still are rich. They still are ALIVE. In contrast, when poor loose several $thousands, - ALL THEIR MONEY!, - they are DEAD! Literally!

According to what I see from presentations of Klaus Schwab and his Davos WEF Forum, the "Great Reset" actually stands for "Nullifying wealth of people" designed to leave top elites rich (in particular, because of getting rid of all responsibility for their fantastically huge debts) on expense of making poor poorer, which in the conditions of the current and coming crisis actually means DEATH of the laters with Financial Genocide!

No matter how attractive this idea can look for a certain group of people, the bad news for bankers is that they, - YOU!, - can appear among the poors too! In the same desperate position your Barclays bank created for me by a fraudulent nullification (resetting) all my life savings.

The main trick Klaus Schwab is trying to sell you, - the assumption that his Great Reset can be implemented in a greately UNPROPORTIONAL way exclusively in your favor, - can fail spectacularly! Together with his arificially distorted for the sale purposes picture of utopian communist society (built by creating the next Great Bubble under the code name "Fourth Industrial Revolution"), in which you will have no place in the new economy!

I have all reasons to believe that by avoiding saving my LIFE Klaus Schwab makes the greatest mistake capable to CRASH his professional career, including all benefits from close links with top elites. Now in order to JUST LIVE in normal human conditions (the opportunity stolen from me by his strategic partner Barclays bank, whose payments to Mr Schwab were made BEFORE, - INSTEAD OF!, - paying debts to me), I need to create the Great Disproof of his biggest scientific concept.

Today you, top world bankers, are still capable to stop Barclays' killing me, - together with YOU!, - just by making a simple donation, incomparable with the scale of all your wealth. While tomorrow you can find themselves "Having Nothing", - this time really nothing!, - due to irreversable evolving the non-payment of Barclays' debts to me into a really Great Payday with demanding PAYING ALL YOUR DEBTS!


This profile about Barclays bank I created 

5 years ago:

Since 2018 the Barclays bank has created for me the

End Of Everything!

Today Barclays' compromising the banking industry is 

reaching a new level!





The bad news for you is:


Because of the Barclays' greed/arrogance/stupidity.

If you are too "shy" for helping clients of the banking community 

when some its CEOs attempt to KILL them instead of paying debts,


What kind of banking it is, when in order to get your money (deposited with the right of immediate returning on your request) back, you need to desperately

keep contacting your bank at least 21 YEARS,

living at least last 3 YEARS in the permanent danger of



because of becoming HOMELESS and JOBLESS in the process,

which becomes especially HARD AND DANGEROUS FOR LIFE due to the resulting need to exist ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT MONEY, in foreign countries, languages of which you don't understand, and

sending THOUSANDS MESSAGES under threat of accusing in spamming, from the bank itself (from clerks to lawyers [who openly force me to break the law] and ALL their CEOs), to the Central Bank behind it, ALL financial regulators, the Queen, press, - up to the President(s);

create with a ZERO BUDGET hours of related documentary VIDEOS, located at a specially created BLOG(s) absolutely without promotion;

BANKRUPT COUNTRIES in which your bank is located (at least the UK, Switzerland, and the USA),

- up to its top elites of the world, started from participants of the World Economic Forum created by Dr Klaus Schwab,

who may be considered the top links of the resulting Great Chain Of Unpaid Debt;

and ultimately to write THIS appeal to you, with doing all possible for sharing it worldwide!

That's the price of my dealing with

the Barclays bank!


And as applying to official legislative and financial regulators appeared completely unresponded in this case,

My today's proposal to you is:

PAY YOUR Barclays' DEBT to me

(currently the debt of global banking system)

first. Then

contact the Barclays CEOs directly, if you want

to demand the resulting Barclays' debt to you!

It would be much easy for you

then for me,

isn't it?


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