
Сообщения за январь, 2021

Darkness Ahead

 Re. What Unpaid Debts Turn Into In December I published  my special VIDEO: And added: "If you did not realized it, this is what is shown here: Do you know that 1. Every  bed  has a hidden, yet extremely important function most people usually are not aware of until experiencing the situation like mines, - it keeps human body in a horizontal position for at least eight hours (out of every 24), - which is CRITICALLY IMPORTANT for preventing SWELLING OF THE FEET DUE TO UNNATURAL CIRCULATION OF BLOOD IN CONSTANT UPRIGHT POSITION of the body during a day, if any.  I NEED TO SPEND ON MY FEET UP TO  24 HOURS PER DAY, WITHOUT SLEEPING AT THE NIGHT ON HORIZONTAL SURFACES, AND OFTEN MY FEET ARE TERRIBLY SWOLLEN  - as in modern cities there is simply no place for homeless people to just to sit down, let alone lie down, and rest. 2. Nights are usually too COLD, but that's the only time available for  washing my head with public water facilities designed for drinking only. Obviously, the w

Death Of Cold?

  Weather this morning: Up to MUNUS 14 for next 3 days:

What Unpaid Debts Turn Into ...

Re. To Klaus Schwab Midnight January 28-29 or Schwab/Forum did not pay - to be continued -

Bill To Davos World Economic Forum

Re. :  To Klaus Schwab - PERSONALLY ! To ALL participants of WEF's Davos Agenda 2021 - presumably representatives of the world's top financial elite! Yesterday Klaus Schwab , Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, failed to stop permanent attempts of KILLING me, Sergiy Beloy, by his strategic partner Barclays bank to avoid paying its debts. Today I cannot afford neither food nor a cheapest hostel, - despite having savings accounts in Barclays bank, whose CEOs prevent me accessing my own money during their unprecedented in banking industry delay in service for twenty one years! But we live in interconnected world. By avoiding paying their debts during many years, the Barclays CEOs simply SHIFTED those debts to their partners, - The Bank Of England ("last resourt" by definition), The Queen , The Fed, - and now TO YOU , dear participants of Davos Forum ! What Barclays CEOs actually did was creating a virtual "Chain Of Debt", which

To Klaus Schwab, WEF

 Email of  January 27, 2021 To Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum Action-response REQUIRED! Courtecy of    VISUAL CHINA GROUP VIA GETTY IMAGES Dear Mr Schwab, This is about the major flaw in your " Great Reset " initiative, which is going to ruin the outcome of the current Davos Agenda discussion, as well as irreversibly compromise the essence of your World Economic Forum, you personally, and the future of your partners, - unless the proposed URGENT ACTION will be taken WITHIN NEXT 24 HOURS OR LESS! The essence of your departure from reality is the wrong/disproportional prioritization of main world's problems, in particular, promoting the concept of " Communism for rich " advertised as " Own Nothing, Control Everything " paradigm (that was beginning as a trick of rich for avoiding taxes and responsibility for their ownership, while being applied now can be interpreted as just one thing, - preparation for the

End Of First Miracle

Remember  FirstMiracle-2021 ? Today that Miracle ends! January 27 is the last day of the First Miracle -2021 . Then I will appear back at the streets again.  I tried but could not  find any job during last weeks... ANY JOB!!! Because it appeared simply IMPOSSIBLE in my situation. First week people celebrated New Year. Then ... COVID lockdown was started! Thank you God I'm still ALIVE! And   that   means   continuation   of   my KILLING by Barclays   CEOs to whom their lawyers said they did not do anything  wrong excepting leaving me ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT MONEY! Just because they wanted to. And that means DEATH! And that means I need to create another Miracle! This time EXCLUSIVELY MY OWN ONE! Then give it away to the public FOR FREE if elites already use it for ages. The only useful thing I can do for society  is using my education for revealing secrets behind  pseudo-miracles the top 1% is trying to use for DECEIVING BILLIONS people ! UNLESS ... SOMEBODY CONTINUES the Miracle I came

Press-release #1

 January 26, 2021, Kyiv, Ukraine. S. Beloy , the biggest ever personal creditor of the banking system announces "The Great Payday " initiative, - a kind of alternative to (1) "The Great Reset " and (2) "The Greater Reset " events that start today. While the first forum represents the point of view of the richest financial elite, and the second one looks like a view of middle-class folks, the proposed " Great Payday" (GP) is supposed to be a perspective from the standpoint of poor (up to 99% of the world, if taking into account the trend of constant shrinking of the middle class everywhere). According to research of S. Beloy, progress of developed countries has came to the point where it became evident that all their previous Great Success was implemented by the price of creating  today's Greatest Crisis that may be called The Greatest Failure !  To put it mildly, all previous industrial revolutions are nothing more than great financial BUBBL

Magic Science

Re. First Miracle -2021 : The richest 1% expects from people the same kind of Miracle INSTEAD OF JUST PAYING ITS DEBT TO THEM! My research has proved all crises are a result of unfair AVOIDANCE OF TOP ELITES TO  PAY DEBTS THEY CREATED and SHIFTING them  to the rest of the world. That's the only way for creating MIRACLES WITHOUT GOD! The world needs a "miracle"  to cope with paying those IMPOSSIBLE DEBTS INSTEAD OF  DEMANDING THE SAME FROM ITS CREATORS. In this blog I am planning to reveal the secrets behind artificial industrial "miracles" promoted by the Great Reset ! A good starting point is my mini-research about real reasons for CRISES !

First Miracle 2021

 My close friends call me a  Magician . Because I am capable to do impossible things. The proof? Here is just most recent one: I am still alive, - despite constant attempts of banking system to KILL me by leaving  ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT MONEY!  During last THREE YEARS I am forced to exist in the highly hostile environment, most of the time just on the street,  WITHOUT FOOD, SLEEP, MEDICAL  or any other social help or warranty from the state people in rich countries have for granted. Just five weeks ago I could die ...  But suddenly a real  MIRACLE  happened!  I will write about details of that Miracle  in my personal blog later.  As for today, I am just outlining its main essense: For almost four weeks I appeared in a warm hostel,  having during that period enough food, sleep, and ...  time for creating THIS blog. That was Miracle! The Miracle created by ordinary people about existence of which I did not know just a month ago. The most amazing thing is I did not ask them for any help or do

Instead of Introduction

Re. Davos WEF (Jan. 25-29) The World Economic Forum that today runs its five-day " The Great Reset " agenda, exists since 1971. Alternative website that today runs its five-day " The Greater Reset " has been registered a month ago. My " Great Payday " project was launched just a minute ago.  As a response/alternative  to both abovementioned events. But is aimed to last until all debts are paid! That is a constant in my "Great Payday" formula. Such variables as SUM of the debt being paid,  its PAYERS and BENEFICIARIES ,  is a choice of its participants, starting from YOU,  dear readers of this blog!