Darkness Ahead
Re. What Unpaid Debts Turn Into In December I published my special VIDEO: And added: "If you did not realized it, this is what is shown here: Do you know that 1. Every bed has a hidden, yet extremely important function most people usually are not aware of until experiencing the situation like mines, - it keeps human body in a horizontal position for at least eight hours (out of every 24), - which is CRITICALLY IMPORTANT for preventing SWELLING OF THE FEET DUE TO UNNATURAL CIRCULATION OF BLOOD IN CONSTANT UPRIGHT POSITION of the body during a day, if any. I NEED TO SPEND ON MY FEET UP TO 24 HOURS PER DAY, WITHOUT SLEEPING AT THE NIGHT ON HORIZONTAL SURFACES, AND OFTEN MY FEET ARE TERRIBLY SWOLLEN - as in modern cities there is simply no place for homeless people to just to sit down, let alone lie down, and rest. 2. Nights are usually too COLD, but that's the only time available for washing my head with public water facilities designed for d...