Press-release #1

 January 26, 2021, Kyiv, Ukraine.

S. Beloy, the biggest ever personal creditor of the banking system announces "The Great Payday" initiative, - a kind of alternative to (1) "The Great Reset" and (2) "The Greater Reset" events that start today. While the first forum represents the point of view of the richest financial elite, and the second one looks like a view of middle-class folks, the proposed "Great Payday" (GP) is supposed to be a perspective from the standpoint of poor (up to 99% of the world, if taking into account the trend of constant shrinking of the middle class everywhere).

According to research of S. Beloy, progress of developed countries has came to the point where it became evident that all their previous Great Success was implemented by the price of creating  today's Greatest Crisis that may be called The Greatest Failure

To put it mildly, all previous industrial revolutions are nothing more than great financial BUBBLEs. It's not to say they produced nothing useful. Rather, they produced it for unsustainably high PRICE, consequences of which we see in the scale of today's financial crisis.

In this context, the term "Great Reset" actually can stand only for one thing behind the scene, - "Nullification Of All Debts"! The main trick is the proposed nullification also embraces the debts top 1% financial elites own to the rest of people. Disproportion of the result can outweight all advantages of such debt forgiveness. 

The proposed "Great Payday" concept (see more at is able to eliminate the disproportion. In fact, that has already been implemented by the leading "system" player of the banking system Barclays PLC that 21 years ago has created unprecedented event of refusing to pay its debt to S. Beloy, with simultaneous continuation of demanding the same from other people who owns to the bank. 

By doing this, the Barclays bank has legitimized usage of its splitting the essense of debt into two parts: Debt of banks, and debt to banks. That still unsettled precedent allows implementing a similar split for the Great Reset! 

As by definition the law is equal for everybody, and amount of Barclays' debt has approached unprecedented level of Infinity, that gives a right to everybody for the symmetrical approach, - not to pay debts to banks, while banks remain responsible for their debts by law! 

So, if financial elites decide to rob the rest of the planet by nullifying their debts by the "Great Reset" movement, they should be aware that Barclays CEOs have destroyed that possibility for elites already. Unless they do the counter-action, - start paying their debts, in full, beginning from the case of S. Beloy, which the most unprecedented story. 

The Barclays CEOs are properly informed that S. Beloy will never refuse demanding his debts. That's why during last three years they are actually attempting to kill him by HUNGER, COLD, AND POVERTY they triggered.

If one wants to reveal a hidden logic of the top 1%, look at what they are doing, rather what they are saying. The more evident somebody's lie becomes, the less trust should be to his or her artificially over-complicated concepts, examples of which is "Great Reset" initiative.

The motto of Beloy's "Great Payday" global initiative is a direct appeal to current participants of the World's Economical Forum (presumably representatives of the top 1%, the richest financial elites of the world): 








Since January 26, 2021, the PRICE and SCALE of paying debts within "Great Payday" project will directly depend on a period of hesitation of key participants of the World's Economical Forum to start paying their debts to S. Beloy, initially created by Barclays CEOs who prefer advanced SHIFTING it up to the highest elites, including the risks of crashing the whole system, rather than simply paying those debts on their own.

The longer the non-payment continues, the higher the price of final setlement will be!

For ALL related businesses!

Within next 24 HOURS the Debt to S. Beloy can be limited only by his direct loses he suffered in the course of dealing with bad banking service of Barclays bank during last 21 years. In particular, it is possible to agree on just three points: 

(1) money for purchasing a decent budget apartment/house in the country of his choice (instead of Beloy's privately owned 4-rooms apartment in the center of capital of Ukraine, which practically disappeared for him in 2017 because of Barclays bank), including cost of service fees for its support during at least next 3 years; 

(2) a decent renumeration for doing his "job" of contacting Barclays banks during last 21 years;

(3) a decent financial apology for permanent attempts of Barclays CEOs to KILL Sergiy Beloy by HUNGER and COLD, by creating for him a constant DANGER TO HIS LIFE through leaving him ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT MONEY at the streets of EU and UA.

Unless there is a clear evidence of starting the process of repaying the abovementioned debts to S. Beloy within next 24 HOURS, including the first $5,000 paid towards it through Western Union money transfer service to his name (Sergiy Beloy) to Ukraine,

the sum of the debt and circle of responsibile debtors will constantly grow, - UP TO INFINITE Debt that formally exists already, and adding other cases, amount of which tends to reach BILLIONS (there are all reasons to believe the WEF's motto "Own Nothing" stands for  making 99% of the world's population poor).

The Barclays CEOs are properly informed that S. Beloy will never refuse demanding his debts. Removing S. Beloy physically will NOT CANCEL the Infinite debt corresponding CEOs created for the banking system FOREVER! 

The possible failure of the world community behind Barclays bank (including The Bank Of England, Swiss National Bank, and Federal Reserve) to avoid paying the debt will mean an official confirmation of the fact of practicing the double law, which in turn will mean the end of legislative system that still protects the wealth of rich, - with all corresponding consequences fatally irreversable for the ruling elites.


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Press-release #2