To ALL Banks!

Re.: To BANKS of Davos-21

Several days ago I politely proposed to the WEF's bankers to ask their customers the following question:

What kind of banking it is,

when in order to get your money back

(deposited with the right of immediate returning on your request),

you need to desperately

keep contacting your bank at least 21 YEARS,

living at least last 3 YEARS in the permanent danger of



because of becoming HOMELESS and JOBLESS in the process,

which becomes especially HARD AND DANGEROUS FOR LIFE due to the resulting need to exist ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT MONEY, in foreign countries, languages of which you don't understand, and

sending THOUSANDS MESSAGES under threat of accusing in spamming, from the bank itself (from clerks to lawyers [who openly force me to break the law] and ALL their CEOs), to the Central Bank behind it, ALL financial regulators, the Queen, press, - up to the President(s);

create with a ZERO BUDGET hours of related documentary VIDEOS, located at a specially created BLOG(s) absolutely without promotion;

BANKRUPT COUNTRIES in which your bank is located (at least the UK, Switzerland, and the USA),

- up to its top elites of the world, started from participants of the World Economic Forum ...

and ultimately to write THIS appeal to you, with doing all possible for sharing it worldwide!

That's the price of my dealing with

the Barclays bank!


See full version of the above text 



It seems the Davos' bankers did not get the hint!

Let me remind them then what I asked them to tell to the Barclays CEOs early:

"You have several levels of capital structure in a bank.

You have depositors on the bottom.

For very-very low risk. ...

If you wipe out depositors, you will basically

DESTROY the banking system!!!

Because banks are basically made of depositors."

They didn't.

Attn. Klaus Schwab, WEF

Here is continuation for ALL BANKS:

All it can be seen behind official WEF's Davos Agenda 21 is a great ambition to avoid paying DEBTS. Whose ambition? Those who has the biggest debts. And it's not a secret which countries have the biggest debts, - the richest ones, starting from the United States, Japan, and most of wealthy Europe. Unlike poor countries, debts of which are counted in modest $millions and $billions, debts of so called "rich" countries are counted in $TRILLIONS! (A discussion of related topics "Who is REALLY POOR/BANKRUPTED then?" is beyond the subject of this post). It's more interesting, however, that ABSOLUTELY ALL countries have some debt. How could that happen?

To whom they all own their debts? To each other? Nope! If they did so, they could resettle the debts between themselves in the nearest international meeting, - at least for not having a scale of their debts represented in so ridiculously high digits they have now.

The answer is they all own to some third party beyond the scope of inter-governmental agreements, yet incredibly powerful one. They all own to the world's BANKERS! And I have all reasons to believe, representatives of the latter were among the key participants of the World Economic Forum, like its strategic partner Barclays bank was.

That's why I started developing my "Great Payday" concept (a really cardinal alternative to the WEF's "Great Reset" one) from appealing to its official author Klaus Schwab directly. I asked him to help stopping Barclays' killing me by hunger and cold, - through implementing a "Mini-Payday" version by finding a way for paying me its debts ASAP, which would be much more easy to do in the air of the comfortable environment of highly influential forum of the wealthiest people of the world, then from a snow-bound street or cold public places with a free Wi-Fi connection, where I need to write this post ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT MONEY ("Thank" you, Barclays), and actually FOR FREE!

The problem of the Barclays bank is the fact of its unprecedented failure to implement a simple transfer of my money to me during last twenty one YEARS! It started as a pure managerial problem, out of arrogant reluctance of its CEOs to do their job properly and ... my principled refusal to break the law of my country, - the crime Barclays' lawyers(!) forced me to commit for years! And apparently, out of their obvious DISRESPECT to me, its client.

Today I see a similar LACK OF RESPECT FROM BOTH Klaus Schwab and participants of his forum (in the form of their arrogant non-responding to my life story).

The problem of the WEF's Chairman is: His strategic partner Barclays bank has paid to him (at least $620,000, according to some sources), BEFORE PAYING ITS DEBT TO ME! Thus, Klaus Schwab has actually obtained MY MONEY!!! INSTEAD of me, existence of which he evidently ignores up to now.

The problem of ALL bankers is: One of their colleagues actually KILLS the banking system from inside. By CANCELLING DEBT, USURY, and actually MONEY in general!

They can, but currently not pay even the smallest fraction of their wealth I kindly proposed them to pay INSTEAD of perspective of facing an INFINITE(!) Debt of their Barclays.

On the one hand, bankers' highly (over)paid lawyers should realize, my demand is based on the undeniable fact of existence of that debt, in principle, rather then on its particular amount.

On the other hand, do not forget that private debt of any bank is not just its own debt. Rather, it's a part of the responsibility of the system (Hi, stakeholder capitalism?) behind it headed by Central Banks, which were specifically designed to deal with such cases as "creditors of last resort", and would not exist without these banks. In other words, the current world banking system is actually ONE big bank. And I can continue my research to prove the latter.

Your current reluctance to start helping me through spending just ten minutes of your precious time for sending me ANY(!) sum through instant Western Union money transfer service to my name (Sergiy Beloy) to Ukraine, has resulted in the following:

I am converting Barclays' (zero) non-returning of its private debt to me into unprecedented super return (Infinity) of the entire banking system of the world behind it. And the main principle of existence of the whole banking system becomes under question then!

This post is a part of that process top financial elites have ultimately triggered.

Barclays CEOs appeared reluctant to resolve their problem on their own. They are shifting their job and responsibility to YOU! Together with a risk of CRASHING the whole financial system of the world.

Please find opportunity to

PAY Barclays' Debt to me


Then you can demand that debt

from Barclays CEOs,

if you want



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